Session Materials (If available)
Marketing is an essential part of your voiceover business. We all talk about marketing and it can be really hard to knuckle down and put together the important things like a MARKETING PLAN.
You know there are lots of things to do in your voiceover business but it can often be difficult to know which should you be doing first? This will be an incredibly useful and empowering X session where you will be taken through a simple 5 steps formula for your marketing plan. Each step is important but the key is getting them done in the right order. In this X session Rachael, will work with you to create your own marketing plan that gets results, fast. It will be a plan to transform your voiceover business.
Get ready to be inspired and empowered to have the career you’ve always dreamt of.
- Develop a marketing plan
- Discover clear, actionable steps
- Create a simple strategy that can be used again and again for future marketing campaigns
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